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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This week in pictures!

Do you ever feel busy but you're not accomplishing much? I feel like I've been running around and yet, I look around and nothing seems to be getting done! What a weird week!

First of all, my car ...so sad. I still don't really know what was wrong but when you show up at the garage and see this...it can't be good!
Good news is...I now have air conditioning back in my vehicle! It's a mini van, don't laugh...I LOVE it! =)

It was very stressful waiting to get it fixed. It took almost a week! I was lucky to have a little Cupcake Red Velvet wine on hand to ease the stresses! PLUS red wine is healthy for you! =) Thank you Carter and Roger!
A nice evening out in the yard with some wine and cheese and the car was a distant worry!

Next up...my poor sick kitty! When kitty looks like this for a few days and has thick green goo streaming from his nose. It's time for a visit to the vet!                                                                                                                      

yeah..pretty much every day for 3 days..this was how I found him in various spots of the house! =(

The 4th of July came and went so quickly! We had an impromptu cookout with the kids and watched the Macy's fireworks on TV. At least we have a huge TV with surround sound so we felt like we were there. Kinda. Not really. 

OK...not at all. But it was still fun! =)

I decided that I NEEDED to get my CD cover designed and sat around in the air conditioning all day on my comfy couch with my computer and got to it. It took a while cause I don't really know what the hell I am doing.

 And NOW, I have just discovered that I need to have it in a PDF form! I have NO clue how to do THAT! Really!?!? OY VEY!
So now with my fancy shmancy new CD cover...I realize...ummm...maybe I better start recording some stuff! So we took to the studio. Now here is the thing...I don't have central air in my house. But Charlie is wonderful about turning on the window AC's. (I understand some husbands are a pain about this, but not mine). The only catch is....when we're recording..we have to turn it off. So, I was soaked and HOT to say the very least. This was not easy..and we did it for two days. I am happy to say, we only have one or two songs left to do and even though it was hot, I loved every minute of it!


When it was time to take a break. I met my friend Kim for lunch down on the Strand here in Kingston. This area has come a long way and I hadn't been down there in some time. I wanted Mexican. Rositas! On the water. Afternoon margaritas and yummy food. Girl talk. It was something I really needed and it was spur of the moment! That usually works better for me. Too much planning stresses me out! It was a lovely lunch! Thanks, Kim! =)

So that is it. My week in pictures! Now if anyone out there knows how to make PDF's please let me know! I NEED HELP!!! If I send you a JPG..maybe you can help me out and put it into PDF form for me? Copy and paste? Is it even that easy?  I am stressing again!!..........where is that Cupcake wine!?