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Thursday, June 23, 2011


 Now that I have your attention! I had my first mammogram this past week and I wanted to share how it went with you!  Especially for those of you who don't think you NEED to do it or for those of you who are scared or nervous like I was!  I am happy to report it was NOTHING! It was a squish! Ok...well a few squishes but honestly, you guys KNOW I am the biggest baby on the planet and I survived! You will too!!!
I was a LITTLE sore that night and the next day but took a couple of advil and stuck an ice pack on me for 20 minutes and I was fine. I have other issues that would make me sore...most people don't have soreness but we're all different, so you might have a little bit. NO BIG DEAL!
I did not look like this when it was done!! You won't either! =)

I went to a really great place. AND where I live there is a cancer services program where they provide free mammograms. Check with your doctor cause I bet that there is a program like this near where you live. 
So now there is REALLY NO excuse! You have to go! =) 

This is the machine. It's NOTHING. I had no idea what to expect. You just stand there. My particular technician was great and kind and had warm hands! That was helpful! LOL! It was over in 5 minutes!

 I must admit, the worst part of the whole thing is waiting for the call or letter. 
But isn't it better to KNOW and find out EARLY? 
Isn't it better to not have to WORRY and wonder? 
But yes, the waiting is the hardest part. At least it was for me. 
Who likes to WAIT!?!??!

Not this guy.

Anyway, don't make me BEG. I don't look this cute when I do! =)

          GO OUT THERE and get your mammies ladies!! 
It's important!!


  1. Already had mine...I have been getting mine since I was 35 because I have BIG BOOBIES!!! LOL!!!

  2. I have been putting mine off....and off...and off. And I have no excuses. Since my mom died of breast cancer you'd think I'd be in there every six weeks, but no......Thanks for the motivation!!! You may now nag me until I let you know I've done it! :~)

  3. Yes you do Deb! LOL! Judith...no excuses! GO! =) xoxoxoxox
